Year | Monthly | |
Regular Price | $367.25 | $30.60 |
6 Month Period Consecutive | $254.25 | $42.38 |
3 Month Period Consecutive | $158.2 | $52.73 |
Year | Monthly | |
Regular Price | $621.50 | $51.79 |
6 Month Period Consecutive | $429.40 | $71.57 |
3 Month Period Consecutive | $271.20 | $90.40 |
Year | Monthly | |
Regular Price | $904.00 | $75.33 |
6 Month Period Consecutive | $632.80 | $105.47 |
3 Month Period Consecutive | $406.80 | $135.60 |
Above Prices Include H.S.T.
$10 Deposit for Access Card (Refunded at end of term)
Also Available For Rent Is The Gymnasium For Volleyball, Basketball, or Indoor Soccer
Fee: $45.00 Per Hour Including H.S.T
For more information, contact Brian Feenstra at 519-869-4231 ext. 224